Cannabis-infused cooking oil is the most versatile medium to consume cannabis and it can be used in sauteing vegetables, baking desserts, frying up eggs for breakfast, and cooking delish meals for lunch and dinner. Also, by using canna-oil in cooking at home you have complete control over the preparation of your dishes. You use peanut oil in dishes? Infuse peanut oil with cannabis. You like canola oil? Make cannabis-infused canola oil. Coconut, olive, sunflower, peanut, canola, and all other oils are great carriers for cannabis and can be easily used to make cannabis-infused oil at home.
If you want to cook with cannabis, learning how to prepare cannabis-infused cooking oil is the very first step. It is because it’s the key ingredient used in countless canna-infused recipes. Making canna-oil employs the same process as in our cannabutter recipe. I mostly have both stored in my house. I keep the canna-oil in fridge and cannabutter in the freezer.
When planning to make canna-oil for homemade cannabis edibles, you need to choose the oil you want to use. The oils I most often use are coconut, olive, and canola. I usually use coconut oil or cannabutter for most desserts, and canola or olive oil for savory foods. However, for making curries, I always use coconut oil.
THC is released during the heating process into the oil, and the oils with higher fat content are able to absorb more THC from cannabis as compared to oils with lower fat content. Coconut and olive oil have higher fat content as compared to canola oil. However, you should not heat these oils at a super high temperature. Once the THC is released in the oil, you should keep the heat very low so that the oil doesn’t boil. It is because boiling decreases the THC potency in the oil. Although this statement is not backed by any scientific evidence, it is still better to play safe and keep the oil on low heat and not let it simmer. It is recommended to use plain oil for all the cooking that requires high temperature.